All NFTs that are sold in the MetaHi marketplace are supported in SuperWorld!
To use your 3D NFTs in SuperWorld, follow these steps:
Obtain a 3D model of your asset by buying and downloading it from our website. Follow the steps described here: How to redeem my 3D asset?
Login to SuperWorld using your email and connect your wallet
Click on the map and enter it
Find the location where you would like to use your 3D NFT
TIP: Click on AR view to see other people's NFTs that are uploaded
Click on the plus button next to AR view and upload the 3D model that you've downloaded in the first step of this tutorial
Add a description and upload a thumbnail of your asset
TIP: you can download the original NFT thumbnail from our marketplace by right-clicking on the image and selecting "Save image as"
Once the upload is complete you will be able to see your NFT on the map!
Last updated